Saturday, April 24, 2010

So Maddie turned 5 on the 12th. She was so excited for the big day. She got a bike for her birthday and a garbage can for her room. I know it seems silly, a garbage can? you might ask. Maddie had been stealing the one from my room over and over so I said to Aaron when we went shopping for her bike that we should get her a garbage can for Maddie. We bought it and the next day Maddie asked for one for her birthday. You may laugh just as I did, but when she opened it she was so excited.

Maddie as been riding her bike as often as she can talk me into going outside with her. Aaron and I don't think it is the best idea to let Maddie ride outside by herself yet. She is still intemidated by the bike and scars easy but she is optimistic and keeps on trying. Hopefully this will improve her gross motor skills that she is much lacking in.

For dinner last night Ashlyn shocked us. She ate a whole piece of pizza! She is just about the pickiest eater I have ever known. She hates meat and wouldn't eat any veggies with she turned 3. Her pediatrician said not to worry and that some day she would snap out of it and start eating more foods. Well Aaron has tried really hard the last 2 days to get her to try what was for dinner, meaning starting with smelling the food, and then licking it. Eventually with this technique her doctor said she will eat. Well with much coaxing Aaron did it! He got her to eat the pizza. Crazzy that I would think that eating pizza would ever be a mile stone for someone.